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How to Become a Class Topper? [7 tips & Tricks]

How to Become a Class Topper? [7 Tips & Tricks]

Have you ever wondered, if you were a topper then everyone would

give respect to you and support you or you might have felt jealous for your friend

who has topped the class and taken away all the respect and honor. 

But wait for a while!

How do these toppers study?

Do they have another book or special teacher who teaches them,

 and they top the class?

Well, the answer is no.

 All the toppers have some strategies and routines which help them to top and take all 

the honors.

Here, those tips and strategies are leaked!

In this blog, we will discuss how you can set your lazy routine into a   topper's routine and how you can be the next topper of your class.

So, what are we waiting for? Let's start!

Practical Strategies To Be A Topper - Secret Hacks and Ways 

You should be aware of the fact that toppers are

not born geniuses. 

It is their continuous effort and hardwork 

which results in fantastic outcomes.

Here are some of the tips and strategies that you can

follow to become a topper.

1.Follow a Scheduled Routine and Study Timetable :

You cannot deny the fact that the topper of your class

 is very disciplined and sincere. 

I am not saying that you have to copy the topper 

of your class like his timetable or study schedule

but the first thing you should do is to 

make a study routine or a study timetable.

Go and make a list of all the subjects which you want to study.

You should write all the days of the week 

and write at least three subjects on one day.

This will help you to not make a mess over what to study.

Moreover,you should make a list of your subject and all the chapters. 

So that when you finish studying any subject, you can mark 

a tick on that chapter. 

This will help you to check which chapters have been completed

 by you and which chapters are legging.

2.Use 80-20 Rule or The Pareto Principle :

You may have noticed that toppers do not study much,

 rather they only study the important topics. 

But how do they find out the important topics? 

Well,the answer is that they use the Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule.

 This rule or principle says that the 80% exam comes from 20% of the syllabus.

But now the question arises: how can you find out that 20% of the syllabus

 which is crucial and is coming in the exam? 

You can do this by just figuring out what type of questions

 were asked by the teacher the most or the teacher

 had said that certain topics are very important.

The other method by which you can figure out that 20% syllabus

 would be to solve the PYQs (Previous Year Questions). 

This will give you an idea of what type of questions are arising in the exams.

3.Set the right targets:

Yes, you heard it right, you are setting

 the wrong targets for yourself. 

The problem is that you either set a very high

 target or set a very low target for yourself.

You should always set the correct target for

 yourself and for that you have to identify

 how much you can achieve

 or study on a particular day without being exhausted.

This is totally up to you.

You don’t have to copy and get jealous 

if any other student studies more subjects than you.

Just make sure you don’t get depressed or stressed 

at the end of the day.

4.Use Active Recall Method:

This method is one of the best methods in studying.

 As the name suggests,in this method, 

We recall the concepts actively or just after reading any new topic.

 Let me clarify it for you.

 In this amazing method, you have to just thoroughly

 read your topic or any lesson and then just after reading,

 you have to close your book and take a pen and paper

 and write whatever you remember.

Trust me, this method is very useful and can help you gain 90%

 marks if you use it correctly and efficiently.

But remember,you have to use it correctly and make sure you 

use the Pareto Principle first because

 it will help you only study and ‘actively recall’ the 

lessons which are crucial.

5.Stay Focused during the classes and Do Homework regularly:

What will you revise if you don’t attend the classes and 

complete your homework?

It is a big reason why you don’t top the class.

It is very important that you actively attend the classes

and listen to the teacher carefully.

If anything is not clear to you, you can ask the teacher at the very time.

Moreover, don’t miss the classes.

The second thing is that you should do the homework regularly.

No, I am not your mother but that’s important to do. 

This keeps you on track and routine and also helps you 

to revise the syllabus continually.

6.Don’t Sacrifice your Happiness:

It is crucial to study but don’t make studying a 

burden for yourself. 

You and your happiness are far more important 

than your grades.

You should study but take breaks,

refresh yourself and live in present i.e., 

if you are studying, don’t think about playing or don’t be

 distracted but when you are playing,

 just play and don’t think about your grades or studying.

7.Take Proper Sleep and Naps:

Did this happen with you when you studied day and night

and when you were in the exam center, you lost everything from your memory.

This happens because you don’t get enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours.

What happens is that when you sleep, 

your brain replays what you studied all day 

and converts it into memory and in case you don’t sleep,

 your brain is not able to process the information and 

convert it into memory. 

As a result, you don’t remember what you studied all day and night.

So, it is very important that you take 7 to 8 hours of sleep at 

night after studying. 


In conclusion, achieving academic excellence

is not an

elusive dream reserved for a select few;

it's a journey that anyone can embark upon with dedication,

strategy, and a mindful approach.

By adopting the practical strategies discussed in this blog,

such as maintaining a structured study routine,

identifying crucial topics, setting realistic targets,

and engaging in active recall, students can pave their

path towards success.

Yet, amidst the pursuit of academic goals,

it's vital to remember the importance of balance and


Prioritizing happiness, taking breaks, and being present in the

moment are not just luxuries but essential components

of a sustainable

journey towards success.

So, as you embrace these strategies to enhance your

academic performance, remember to nurture your mind,

body, and spirit.

Each step forward is not just a leap towards

excellence but also a

testament to your resilience, determination, and capacity for growth.

With dedication, perseverance, and a balanced approach, you're not just

on the path to becoming a topper in your class but also on a journey

towards becoming the best version of yourself.


  1. Your blog is really very good, and it has helped me a lot. I loved the way you explained each step and you hard work is worth praising! Congratulations!!!


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